aquavitro Synthesis - 150 ml

aquavitro Synthesis - 150 ml
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Product Description

Nitrogen is one of the three macro nutrients (NPK) required by plants. It is a component of proteins and nucleic acids. Nitrogen is mobile in plants. This means the plants divert these nutrients from older leaves to new leaves. Thus, deficiency symptoms appear in older leaves first. Nitrogen deficiency symptoms include chlorosis, slow growth, and small, stunted plants with large root systems.

Nitrogen comes in a variety of forms (nitrate, ammoniacal, urea). While plants can use all three forms, the form that is preferred varies by species. Thus nitrogen supplements derived solely from just one form (nitrates) will not be as effective as a supplement that provides all three forms.

Synthesis is a concentrated (32,000 mg/L N) nitrogen source. It is unique in that it provides nitrogen in all three forms. Approximately 50% of the nitrogen in Synthesis is derived from an organic source (urea), while the remaining nitrogen splits at about 25% each from nitrate and ammoniacal sources.
Sku: RAQ-28651
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