Catnip & Pet Grass


Kong Naturals Catnip - 1 Oz

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Ducky World Yeowww!® Banana Catnip Toy

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Kong Naturals Catnip Spray - 1 Oz

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Ducky World Yeowww!® Catnip Tub - 2 Oz

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Kong Naturals Catnip - 2 Oz

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Van Ness Oat Garden Kit

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Ducky World Yeowww!® Catnip Bag - 1 Oz

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Catnip and Cat Grass

Catnip is a natural plant often grown and harvested in Europe and Asia that's part of the plant genus called "Nepeta" that is commonly known as Catnip or Cat Grass and even names as "Catmint" or "Catswort". The leaves and fragrance is actually similar to those of Mint Leaves (hence the surname Catmint) This plant all-natural calming properties that both Cats and Kittens are drawn to that is sometimes used in toys to entice engagement or allow them to calm to help increase their rest periods. A Calmer cat is a longer-living cat just like humans numerous studies have shown that Catnip helps lower heart rate and entices rest and activity, when cats are calmer their cognitive functions and their abilities to focus are known to improve quite interesting.

Not only is Catnip great for calming but us humans actually drink Catnip in the Tea we drink, that's right, like the calming properties of both Lavender and Chamomile, Nepeta leaves are sometimes mixed in or commonly imported and used as an all-natural calming remedy for many with stress.

Catnip is typically sold dried and flaky like spices in our cabinets and they're added to just about anything ranging from foods to cardboard cat scratchers and inside cat toys as it helps engage their mins and productivity as their ability to function and react improve as well as their ability to chase and follow object better. Although Catnip for sale is usually sold as dried and crushed leaves they're also available in a fresh Cat Grass form and in some cases in pouches. They can also be grown at home with lots of sunlight or simply purchased and delivered online.

Did You know?

Catnip when naturally grown is a Xerophyte (Greek) plant which means it grows with little-to-no water and that's it can still thrive in environments where water is scarce for instance in a desert. These type of plants take full advantage in storing water in their roots when it rains and they store those fluids when they really need it. How cool is that?

They usually blossom in the Spring and that's usually the freshest time to buy if you're looking for something freshly harvested.

Here's another fun fact you didn't even know. Catnip also doubles as an insect repellent in a yard. Oils that are derived from these plants can actually get rid of bugs.

Before You Shop Catnip:

Before buying Catnip online sometimes it's a good idea to find out how your cat reacts to this natural substance. One Third of all domesticated cats aren't affected by the smell meaning they could do nothing and the other Two-Thirds are drawn to the smell and they just love it, while not harmless perhaps start off with a little bit and if you see they're drawn to it then buy more of course as there's nothing but positive effects these fragrant leaves bring.