Cat Plush and Mice Toys

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Plush and Mice Cat Toys

Plush and Mice Toys are beneficial for all domesticated cat owners since cats are naturally drawn to plush animals or toys that look like mice, rats or real animals. Cats are natural born hunters like their ancestors and cousins in the wild such as Tigers and Jaguars they need to be able to hunt freely and take out their aggression every now and then, cat toys that are plush and realistic looking help release a special hormone in their bodies that provide a calming satisfaction one they’re done hunting. That is why cats prefer toys that are in the shape of a small animal they can hunt and they’re more drawn to plush cat toys with built-in tails, arms and legs. Oftentimes Plush Cat Toys contain built-in Catnip and that's definitely a great option to satisfy their hunt cravings while calming them down at the same time, they're a great buy and last longer since cats are less aggressive and they tend to claw at those toys less aggressively.

Plush Toys for Cats are available in a variety of materials such as Jute and Sisal, and Nylon and Rubber. Some toys even come with built-in stitched squeakers that provides that “killing” satisfaction that they enjoy during hunting. Cats also love crinkle cat toys that are plush since that provides a noise that they find appeasing during both playing and hunting. Anything to gauge their natural instincts makes for a great cat toy.

It’s always a great idea to buy a plush toy that isn’t too large in size since Cat’s like to feel like they’re the dominant animal. Cats like lions and tigers caring for their cubs often carry their loved ones in their mouth and making sure a toy is either smaller enough or light enough that they can carry around is important. Cats react differently with certain plush toys for example if a toy is not something they would hunt they may care for that toy and show affection which is also very important and some are designed for hunting therefore it’s a matter of preference. See how your cat reacts to all sorts of cat toys in all sizes and the difference is stark.

If you’re looking for something to enjoy with your cat there are even plush toys designed for cat and owners to engage in together such as teaser cat toys or toys that they chase or some cats even enjoy a toy that can be tugged every now and again.

Meaningful and Helpful Tips:

When buying a plush toy for your cat it’s very important to always read the warning label and make sure their aren’t any pieces that can turn into a choking hazard such as beads, needles, staples, stuff like that is very important. Always inspect your cat’s toys to make sure the components are sturdy enough that they won’t fall apart, try stretching out and tossing around the toy yourself before handing over to your feline friend. If you have children or kids under the age of 3 read the warning labels to make sure they’re either safe for kids or keep those toys away from children.

Crinkle Cat Toys that are plush in many instances are very similar to those toys that babies, children or human kids under the age of 3 like to play with. We don’t recommend allowing your cats to share their toys with kids as children might become sick or ill due to the cat’s saliva or their bodily fluids that may come in contact with a child through your cart’s toys. Since plush toys can absorb water it’s important to constantly clean their toys and many plush toys are even machine washable and always make sure to brush your cats teeth every so often before playing as this helps decrease the need to constantly sterilize their toys.