Cat Interactive Toys


Kong Pull-a-Partz Yarnz Catnip Cat Toy

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Kong Interactive Moppy Ball Cat Toy

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Interactive Cat Toys

Cat Toys that are Interactive are the best way to provide full and complete engagement between you and your cat or kitten. Many interactive cat toys are also known as cat puzzles. These cat enrichment toys are extremely pleasing and engaging while helping develop their thinking and learning skills as well as promoting exercise and movement. While Cat Teasers such as cat wands simply promote teasing fun, these are mainly developed to help you learn how to problem solve on their own such as flipping over squares, chasing balls within the included tracks or solving actual puzzles. Some puzzles are designed to reward your feline friend with dry cat treats such as kibble once they’re solved and some are hybrid interactive toys with built-in cat scratchers.

There are millions of interactive cat toys online that exist on the market, each toy is designed to focus on a different part of the brain, some entice excitement and awareness and others help build on their ability to problem solve. With the development of modern science and technology there are toys that are electronically controlled devices that range from electronic to WIFI and Bluetooth enabled dog and cat toys that are automated and user-controlled such as monitors and lasers to automated treat dispensers that reward after either solving a puzzle or conducting a specific task such as playing around with self-rotating balls or teaser toys. Many electronic devices are even rechargeable via USB which is a nice upgrade.

Cats and their ancestors in their wild and natural habitats are known to hunt, hide, seek, chase and play with other animals and usually cats love to play with objects that either move during hunting or they like to play with objects they find around such as sticks and leaves. With so many options out there it’s always a great to observe your cat and get a feel for what your cats usually like to play with around the house. Interactive cat enrichment toys also keep them busy from tearing into or scratching any and all household objects. Interactive toys are especially great with those multiple cat owners as they learn to interact off one another and solve puzzles together. For Cat owners with senior cats and kittens we highly recommend providing them with a single toy since Cats love to mentor their kittens on how to problem solve, it’s fun to watch them parent as their cousins in the wild do when it comes to hunting and solving. It’s always a great idea to rotate your interactive cat toys once every couple of weeks or so as introduce them to newer toys and most importantly it’s essential to do so for younger cats and kittens. Like our children their minds are like sponges and during this development phase they tend to learn quickly.

Buy the interactive cat toys online today!