Aside for the basic understanding of the importance of owning a collar, many might not fully understand how important it is, and not just any, rather one that serves a meaningful purpose. Dog Collars are the single most important safety device a pet owner can buy for both dogs and cats alike. Collars are often used to protect newborn pets such as puppies and kittens from wandering off especially when they're unfamiliar with their new landscape and without one can cause your pet to go missing in crowded or highly populated areas.
When it comes to new born puppies, adopted or purchased pets many animals require acclimation to their new environment for several months to a year and its suggested to take them on walks in and around your neighborhood, as they're smart animals and many over time have the ability to retrace their whereabouts back home as they familiarize themselves within your routine walking routes. This training period is essential and therefore it's important to make sure your pet is wearing a collar and leash while exploring their neighborhoods. This doesn't imply that it's safe to eventually walk with your dog without wearing one rather if your pet is lost or goes off wandering around without a collar that they'll know how to retrace their steps.
The humane Society has written a nice piece on why collars are so important and they further suggest that one should always seek to buy an ID Tag or GPS Tracking collar at all times. Wearing such a device situated on their dog collars provided an extra dimension of added security, while GPS tracking devices are more expensive in the long term due to cellular fees and monthly charges it's always worth having such safety. ID Tags are most cost-effective however dogs can wander off into neighborhoods and often rely on a good Samaritan returning your pet by calling the owner with their dogs name listed on their tag.
It's often further recommended to stay away from breakaway collars (but a matter of preference) as many might detach effortlessly and cause a pet unfamiliar with their landscape to run away therefore if doing so it's almost a must in most cases to ensure they have something on their collar that provides the owner a way to find their pet by tracing their whereabouts. As a loving dog owner it's painstaking not knowing where your dog is therefore always do you best to locate their whereabouts. It's also important to make sure to purchase the right dog collars that are designed to best secure, fasten or hold their ID Tags.
If you're looking for added safety it's suggested to look into buying those with reflective properties for proper night visibility so your pet is more easily distinguished when wandering off at night. We can't stress enough how important it is to ensure proper safety of your loved one and this is something that's an essential over dog beds and any other accessories, this should always be your first buying decision.
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