Ever since the Coronavirus Pandemic first began to migrate into the United States, Pet Ownership rates began to surge especially once it was first reported that transmissions of the COVID-19 coronavirus can only be transmitted from human-to-human according to some outside studies. Such a phenomenon started to take place once many employees and children were forced to stay home in order to curb the spread of the Coronavirus through measures such as social distancing.
While many lawmakers, politicians, and those in government scramble to locate the origination and find a cure to this viral outbreak, many hard-working Americans have been confined to their homes in need of companionship for those sanity-driven or depressed or gloomy in need of someone to cheer them up. During these tumultuous times it is becoming more of an essential need as many need a furry little friend to provide some affectionate and constant cheer and provide fun to families with children. What first became a need turned into a boom like we’ve never witnessed before.
According to an article cited by USA Today through statistics brought into focus by the Humane Society it is reported that pet adoption rates had increased by a whopping 90% in specific cities across the United States. Furthermore according to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) there have been a record breaking amount of submissions for adoption that had climbed to nearly 200% overall compared to the prior month as there are even outside statistics and metrics and additional sources stating that adoptions had increased to well over 600% as compared to this time last year.
While adoption rates have spiked and provided instant short-term relief for numerous adoption clinics and shelters, many are facing tremendous hardship as there are numerous smaller Non-for-profit shelters that are forced to furlough their employees or temporarily take on the hardship of paying their employees all-while there are concerns brewing over limited funds provided to Small and Mid-Size Businesses that may cause their facilities to close down either due to financial hardship caused by the Pandemic or due to their inability to provide much needed essentials to their workers.
To help combat this problem many Americans across the country have stepped up to the plate by providing adoption clinics and shelters both monetary and supply aid that ranges from food to treats and even masks and gloves to their employees to continue to do their job and keep their doors open while waiting for Federal Aid in the form of Stimulus money which had depleted on Thursday, April 16th, 2020.
Many may agree that how we step to the plate today to assist these Animal Shelters in need may likely determine the ultimate fate of hundreds of these Animal Shelters that may or may not close their doors due to the current lack of financial resources while the U.S. Congress and Senate come to terms on a new financial aid stimulus package designed to replenish what had already been disbursed to Small businesses and Non-For-Profit agencies that include adoption shelters. While there is a strong glimmer of hope that Americans will continue to step up to the plate they are relying on the promise of federal aid all while Americans do their best to assist as it is always welcoming news that adoption rates continue to spike.
While Pet Adoption rates continue to increase dramatically, the American heroes who stepped to the plate to adopt or purchase a dog or a cat are now facing added financial burdens in the form of both adoption and purchasing fees and upkeep costs for their pet which includes buying food, treats and additional necessities and resources during the Corona-virus outbreak. We’re a strong advocate for those pet owners suffering during these painful times and advise that individuals reach out to local, state and federal lawmakers to discuss providing immediate Coronavirus or COVID-19 relief aid towards the associated adoption or purchasing costs, these pet owners should be rewarded for adopting animals during this outbreak and not have to worry about feeding their newly adopted companion animals that are more of a necessity than ever before, especially for those that can barely pay their own bills, rather we should recognize, applaud, appease and welcome their contributions.
While there’s a strong push for an upcoming federal bill aimed at providing assistance to these small businesses and we hope that money comes in soon, time may not be on our side so we ask that anyone reading this article continue to support their local shelters immediately through adoption or financial aid.
© 2025 Pet Life | Edison, NJ 08837