Dog eating cookies

There are a lot of different types of food dogs can’t eat from fruits, vegetables, meat and bread products that are bad for dogs causing indigestion and sometimes death. There is a difference between what food dogs shouldn’t eat and what food dogs can’t eat. However, it is best that you use dog food formulated for your dog. Here is our list of things dog’s cant eat. 


Avocado: has something called persin in it which can cause indigestion for your pup. Too much avocado can cause diarrhea and, in some cases, vomiting. Avoid giving your dog avocado that include the skin and pit. The avocado pit should be avoided all together as your dog can choke or worse swallow the seed and cause it to be stuck in the intestines and stomach.

Grapes/Raisins: Although the toxic substance in grape and raisins is still unknown, they can cause kidney failure in dogs. It is best to avoid feeding grapes and raisins even a small amount can be fatal. If your dog has ingested grape contact your vet immediately.

Peaches/Persimmons/Plums: These are fine for your dogs to eat but you should avoid the canned versions of these fruits to give to your dog. Another issue with these fruits is the seeds persimmon seeds can cause problems in your dog’s small intestine. Whereas peach and plum pit have cyanide in them which are poisonous to people and dog alike.


Onions/Garlic: Onions and garlic can like most other on this list weakness vomiting and breathing problems. Breathing problems are harder to detect in snubbed nosed dogs so avoid onions and garlic if you have one. A small dose of garlic power on a piece of meat you made won’t kill your dog however garlic and onions can kill red blood cells causing anemia. Eating a lot of onions or garlic can cause poisoning if your dog has done so call your veterinarian.

Raw Foods

Meat: Like raw eggs meat can contain bacteria that causes food poisoning.

Fish: Raw fish can be worse the raw meat and eggs. Some fish like salmon, trout, and sturgeon can have parasites that cause “fish disease” or “salmon poisoning disease” These are treatable, but your dog will need to receive treatment right away. The signs are vomiting, fever, and large lymph nodes. Make sure that you full cook and fish to kill the parasites

Eggs: Raw eggs can contain salmonella and E. coli that are harmful to both pets and human alike. Raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin which decreases the absorption of biotin. This can lead to skin and coat problems for your dog


Candy: Candy, gum and some other delicious treats have a dangerous ingredient in them called Xylitol. This can cause your dogs blood sugar to drop which can cause liver failure. Eventually your dog can have seizures, so it is advised that you don’t give your dog candy, gum or even some baked goods.  

Chocolate: Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs. The reason that chocolate is bad for dogs stems from the chemical compound theobromine. Every kind of chocolate has theobromine in it so it needs to be avoided. The most notable and dangerous types of chocolate are dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate. Chocolate can cause tremors, diarrhea, heart problems, vomiting and even death in dogs. The deadliest combination is a dark chocolate covered macadamia nut which shouldn’t even be in your home if you own a dog.


Alcohol: To us it seems obvious that you shouldn’t give your dog alcohol, but we digress. Giving alcohol to a dog can cause vomiting diarrhea and loss of coordination. Remember alcohol is made for human your dog’s liver and size can’t process alcohol. What’s worse is that if your dog drinks too much it can lead to breathing problems and even death. Your dog doesn’t need alcohol to have a good time so don’t give it any.  

Coffee/Tea/Caffeine: Caffeine in general should be avoided at all costs. According to the pet poison hotline even a moderate amount of coffee can cause death in small dogs. Make sure that you store your coffee or any other caffeinated beverages out of reach. After you have discarded your coffee grounds make sure that you dog doesn’t have access especially when you leave the house.


Dairy Products: Products that contain milk should be avoided because dogs lack the enzyme (lactase) that breaks down the lactose in milk. Common symptoms cause when ingesting dairy are indigestion and diarrhea. Milk might not kill your dog but cleaning up after your dog ingests dairy products is a challenge.


Nuts: Nuts including pecans, almonds, walnuts, or any nut that has high fat and oil content should be avoided. The fat content isn’t easily digestible and can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Pancreatitis which is a disease that causes the pancreas to be inflamed can happen if your dog eats nuts. This is a serious condition when the digestive enzymes are activated before they are released into the small intestine and begin attacking the pancreas.  

Coconut/Coconut Oil: In small amounts coconut is fine to give to your pet and aren’t likely to cause serious harm or damage to your dog. However, coconut water needs to be avoided because it is high in potassium which is the reason that it shouldn’t be given to your pet. If you are giving coconut to your dog be aware that it may cause your dogs stomach to be upset.

Macadamia Nut: Avoid at all costs! Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, vomiting, depression, tremors, and hypothermia. The signs will start to show 12-48 hours after ingestion. If you noticed that your dog has eaten a macadamia nut call your vet or the ASPCA Poison Control Center (888-426-4435).


Salt: Salt should be avoided in general as your dog can get dehydrated. Small amounts aren’t encouraged but isn’t fatal. In large doses salt can cause diarrhea, vomiting, depression, tremors, and even death. Therefore, salt should be avoided but having a small amount won’t harm your dog.

Yeast Dough: Before you decide to give your dog yeast you should think that yeast will continue to rise in their stomach. While the yeast is expanding in their stomach it can stretch your dogs stomach which would cause a lot of pain. Also, when yeast starts to ferment it can produce alcohol which you know can be deadly for your dog.

Human Medicine: Giving your dog human medications can make your dog very sick. The most common occurrence is where an owner gives their dog acetaminophen or ibuprofen. They are trying to help their dogs by alleviating their pain, but these pain relievers can be deadly to your dog. You shouldn’t give your dog any medication unless speaking with your vet first.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a no go for dogs while cinnamon isn’t toxic it is best to avoid cinnamon all together. Cinnamon and the oils that it has can irritate the inside of your dog’s mouth making them extremely uncomfortable or sick. Not to mention that cinnamon if inhaled can cause difficulty with breathing, coughing and choking.

If you believe that your dog ate something that it shouldn’t have the ASPCA Poison Control Center is here to help (888-426-4435).

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