Dog Carseat protector

Don’t Leave Your Pets In a Hot Car!

Golden Retriever in a Car

With the summer heat rapidly approaching the Northeast there isn’t a better time to remind drivers that you shouldn’t leave your pets in a hot car. Your pet can’t ascertain the situation and will often panic when in a hot car. The same is likely for small children where they can’t open the doors & in 95 degree heat the interior of a car can hit 129 degrees in as little as 30 minutes.

Aside from the potential risk of death chances are a bystander will break your windows to save your pet. Granted that the “Good Samaritan” laws only cover 14 states that grants civil immunity from the pet’s owner suing to recover the cost of damages. Knowing the law wouldn’t stop a good Samaritan from breaking your car window to save your pet. Avoiding legal fees and a broken window is more than a good enough reason to not lock your pets in a hot car.

If a bystander notices a dog or cat locked in a hot car call the police. Police are authorized in more states to break windows if need be to rescue the pet in danger. Police will normally look for the owner before attempting to break the window but in dangerous circumstances they will break on site. Police officers are allowed rescue animals in 21 states that allow public officials to rescue animals from unattended vehicles.

Before you travel this summer make sure you know how to take care of your pets on vacation. If your friend or a loved one is taking care of your pets make sure they do not leave them in a hot vehicle. Cracking a window, a little bit doesn’t help cool down the car. Make sure if you or anyone else is taking your dog with you for a drive to not leave them in a hot car alone.

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