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Best ways to keep your pet calm during a storm

Best ways to keep your pet calm during a storm


As any pet owner knows, the onset of a thunderstorm can sometimes transform a normally placid pet into a nervous wreck. The unsettling sounds of thunder and the unusual lighting effects can be particularly overwhelming for animals. This blog post will give a comprehensive guide on how to best keep your pet calm and composed during a storm.

Part 1: Understanding Your Pet's Fear

Before we dive into strategies for calming your pet, it's essential to understand why storms frighten pets.

Most pets are sensitive to noises, and the sudden, unpredictable sounds of a thunderstorm can be especially alarming. The flashes of lightning, changes in atmospheric pressure, and even the static electricity of an incoming storm can all contribute to your pet's unease. Some pets can sense changes in weather conditions long before they are apparent to humans, leading to prolonged periods of distress.

Part 2: Recognizing Signs of Distress

Each pet may express their anxiety differently. However, common signs of storm-related fear in pets include pacing, panting, trembling, hiding, loss of appetite, and destructive behavior. Pets might also become more clingy or seek out places in the home they don’t typically go to. By recognizing these signs, you can implement calming strategies early, ideally before your pet becomes extremely anxious.

Part 3: Preparing for the Storm

Preparation is impotant when it comes to managing your pet's storm anxiety.

Safe Spaces: Create a designated "safe space" for your pet. This could be a quiet, interior room with minimal windows where the sound of thunder might be lessened. Consider adding a favorite blanket or toy to create a more comforting environment. For pets that seek enclosed spaces, a crate or under-bed area can be comforting.

Desensitization: Slowly desensitize your pet to storm sounds. There are numerous CDs and online resources with recorded storm sounds. Begin by playing these sounds softly and rewarding your pet for remaining calm, gradually increasing the volume over time.

Storm Gear: Some pets may find comfort from special gear like anxiety wraps or ThunderShirts, which apply gentle, constant pressure much like swaddling an infant.

Part 4: During the Storm

When a storm hits, you need to be prepared to act to soothe your pet's anxiety.

Distraction: Try to distract your pet with toys, treats, or a favorite game. Maintaining a playful attitude can help reassure your pet and divert their attention from the storm.

Comfort: Never punish your pet for showing fear. Instead, provide comfort and reassurances. However, try not to overly coddle as this can sometimes reinforce fearful behaviors.

Background Noise: Turning on the TV can help mask the noise of the storm.

Part 5: Professional Help and Medications

If your pet's anxiety is severe, professional help or medication may be required. Consult with a professional trainer, a behaviorist, or your vet. They can suggest behavioral therapy techniques or prescribe medications or supplements that can help. There are also pheromone-based products, like diffusers and sprays, that can have a calming effect.

Part 6: Other Considerations

Your own behavior plays a critical role in your pet's reaction to storms. Animals are perceptive and can pick up on their owners' stress. So, stay calm and collected during the storm.

Regular exercise can also help. A tired pet is typically a calmer pet, so consider long walks or play sessions ahead of predicted storms.


Storms can be challenging for pets, but with a combination of understanding, preparation, and action, it's possible to help your pet navigate these unnerving events. Remember that any pet is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Stay patient and flexible, and with time, you'll discover the best methods to comfort your pet. Amid the thunder and lightning, you can be your pet's safe harbor, providing them with the safety and comfort they need. After all, they depend on you, just as much as you cherish them.

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  • Ezra Cohen
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