Dry Dog Food

Dry Dog Food

Dog Food

Why buy dog food in-store when you can have it delivered? At Pet Life, finding the best dry dog food is just a click away. Browse our large selection of dog food brands, such as NuloDogswell, and Ziwi Peak.  


Dry Dog Food 

Most pet owners prefer dry foods for dogs over other dog foods like Wet Dog Foods and Freeze-Dried ones,  including Dehydrated Dog Foods. Dry dog foods are more cost-effective, convenient, and come with a longer shelf life. This prevents pet owners from taking multiple trips when shopping for pet food products. Dry dog foods don’t require a fridge or freezer for regular storage, unlike wet ones. Besides, they don’t need a food storage container after opening as most foods are resealable. If your pet is a picky eater, our selected varieties of homemade dog food options come in a host of flavors and textures for all breeds, sizes, and even life-stages. 

Dry dog foods, also known as kibble, are consumed more often and in greater volume than any other dog food source. The same, however, doesn't apply to cats as they consume wet cat foods that are primarily canned. Dry foods are also available in bulkier sizes and options carried among countless store owners and even bodegas, grocery stores, and online retailers regularly.  

It is not uncommon to see large bags of dry dog foods at wholesale food chains as it's necessary, especially after considering the rise in dog ownership.  

Most consumers might believe that incorporating grains in their food diet is bad for their pets, and it might be up for debate. Also, many allergies or dietary restrictions can affect your dog, so many medical professionals or licensed veterinarians may suggest the same.  

However, grains are known to provide a good source of what we call sub-nutrients beneficial to most dogs. Moreover, food allergies are extremely low in dogs and cats. In fact, less than ten percent of all pet allergies reported were food allergies. Also, serving only raw dog food to your dog can make him miss out on crucial nutrients and prevent a healthy balance of grains, protein, and fats. 

Dry dog foods come with a wide variety of flavors and textures and even health features, giving complete nutrition to your dog.  
We carry a large selection of dry dog foods, including traditional and exotic food options, satisfying any dog regardless of breed, size, and palate. 


Traditional Dry Dog Food 

Beef Dry Dog Food: Beef is the most common traditional dry dog food flavor that has been a staple diet for centuries. In addition, beef is a stable source of protein in comparison to other sources, allowing all dog breeds to enjoy it. Most dry beef dog foods come in a bag consisting of kibble or air-dried beef slices, giving complete nutrition to your dog while eliminating the need to store the food in the refrigerator. 

Chicken Dry Dog Food: Chicken offers the most variation in dry dog food, making dry chicken dog food a top contender in the most common dog food types available. Chicken, like beef, is also a stable source of protein that covers most of your dog’s nutritional needs. However, unlike raw dog food, chicken dry dog food adds additional ingredients, such as chickpeas, grains, and oats, giving your dog a well-balanced meal plan designed for healthy bodies. 

Turkey Dry Dog Food: While turkey is similar to chicken in most nutrients, it differs slightly in nutritional values. Turkey is generally thought to have a higher content of fat, which isn’t true. On the contrary, turkey contains around 0.5g less fat than its chicken counterparts, making it an ideal food option for dogs with too much fat content in their traditional diets. Turkey also has a higher concentration of protein per serving than chicken. The only aspect where turkey lacks compared to chicken is in the amount of niacin content present. However, this can be covered by combining turkey dog foods with other grains and nutrients, ensuring a wholesome meal for your dog to enjoy. 

Salmon Dry Dog Food: While Salmon isn’t the only fish, it is an excellent break from traditional meats like beef and poultry. Salmon has the added advantage in the form of omega-3 fatty acids that humans and dogs often lack in their diet. Moreover, by introducing a new food type to your dog, you can ensure they are enjoying a well-balanced diet packed with all the nutritional values required. Furthermore, Salmon is also rich in potassium and vitamin B12, known to support lower blood pressure and prevent anemia in dogs. 

Duck Dry Dog Food: Duck has been promoted to traditional dog food and ranks just under pork, Salmon, and turkey in our list of healthy dog foods. Duck is a nutrition-enriched dry dog food option that traditionally consisted of limited ingredient options. For this reason, duck dry dog food was exotic dog food. However, dry duck dog food offered grain options for fulfilling nutritional content, making it a more mainstream dog food item over time.  

Another advantage of choosing dry duck food is that it still has a large assortment of limited ingredient options, making it an excellent pick for allergic and non-allergic dogs alike. 

Lamb Dry Dog Food: Lamb, like a duck, used to be on our list of exotic dog food as it offered a higher content of healthy omega-3 fatty acids compared to beef but with limited ingredient food options. However, lamb has become a staple in the dry dog food market while offering gluten-free and grain-free options. In addition to these, food manufactures often include grain and other nutrients for producing a well-rounded lamb and completing your dog’s nutrition requirements. 


Exotic Dry Dog Food 

Rabbit Dry Dog Food: Rabbit dry dog food is a good way for your dog to enjoy a traditional meal previously enjoyed by his ancestors. Like the other alternatives, it is an excellent source of protein for dogs who are allergic to conventional foods, such as poultry, meat, and fish. Rabbit is hypoallergenic-type meat for your dogs, meaning that it often lacks fillers, such as grain and corn, easing digestion. Moreover, this raw type of dry dog food provides basic ingredients that your dog’s ancestors enjoyed without adding indigestion. 

Sweet Potato Dry Dog Food: Raw potatoes can cause toxicity in some dogs. To prevent this issue, sweet potatoes are a great way to add extra fibers to your dog’s diet. Also, sweet potatoes are whole food, so they are less likely to cause an immune response that can damage your dog’s intestinal tract. Sweet potatoes contain vitamins A, B6, C, potassium, and iron while low in fat. As a result, sweet potatoes are a popular source of carbs for your dog.   

Most pet owners often consider sweet potatoes a superfood as regular potatoes can be harmful.  

Remember that moderation is the key when serving your dog any type of food. Moreover, try varying their diets to boost their overall health. 

If your dog is allergic to grains and corn, you might want to consider a grain-free or corn-free diet. Besides, there are numerous other GMO-free dietary options available. If you suspect that your dog is allergic to many ingredients out there, try serving them something with a limited ingredient diet or even certain raw dog foods. In addition, you can serve them Dog Food Toppers and Mixers, helping with their digestion and allergies.  

Take charge of your pet’s food choices and feed his inner wild with the best dog food brands available at Pet Life, ensuring your fluffy friends stay happy and healthy.


People Often Ask:

Dog food is rich in various organic ingredients, including meat, poultry, and seafood. Moreover, the best dog food brands often add additional vitamins and minerals to such products, completing the nutritional needs. Homemade dog foods provide a balanced and complete food diet with the right amount of protein, fats, minerals, and vitamins, making them crucial for overall health maintenance during all life stages.

Like humans, different pets have different nutritional needs depending on numerous factors, including age, body and medical conditions, activity levels, and more. However, ensure that each serving provides essential nutrients while meeting your dog’s total nutritional. A complete and balanced diet fulfills all the pet’s requirements without supplements.

Like other canned food items, always store dry dog food in a cold, dry place off the ground, preferably under 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid storing these food items in an environment with access temperature and moisture as it may break down the nutrients.

Dogs prefer routine feeding, so ensure maintaining a feeding schedule and stick to it. Feeding them during the family meals is ideal. Ensure that you feed puppies at least four times a day. Feed him once or twice daily if you have an adult dog.