Cat Technology

Cat Technology

Cat Technology

The age-old and futuristic questions we would ask ourselves in the mid-to-late 20th century regarding imaginative devices that can conduct certain or specific tasks has become a reality today and that includes IOT (Internet of Things) devices that have become more mainstream and continue to evolve as processors and chips that control these devices shrink in size with larger capacities. First such devices were used in humans and not smart devices have evolved to those used for both cats and dogs and in order to simplify our hectic pet ownership lives all while assisting or helping alleviate mundane tasks. Smart pet products are designed to do just that.

Today's smart tech devices range from those that are non-connected or electronically controlled to those that are Bluetooth operated to now those that are controlled wirelesses and are WiFi enabled that simply connect to your home or away networks. Not only is technology evolving for the purpose of simplifying pet ownership, but dog and cat technology is also used for modernizing their health such as Health Dog Activity Monitors and trackers that are smaller in size and record their sleeping habits and rest periods to those that monitor their movements, heart rates and are used to further screen and detect illnesses and ailments that can save thousands of dollars on medical bills in the future and limit your veterinarian visits. Recently, the newest devices out there include Bluetooth Smart Leashes that connect to your smart phones and record walking routes through google maps and offer location sharing through location services so you can share your locations or meet up with owners that have similar devices and they also feature built-in flashlights and are rechargeable via USB.

There are countless devices out there that serve different purposes such as Smart Dog Feeders that are also great for cats, these feeders disperse food when either motion is sensed or when a user presses a button on their smart phones releasing such food both in the home or anywhere in the world where there's either cellular of internet connection. Speaking of feeding your pet remotely there are also Filtered Cat Fountains and Smart Bowls with digital scales built inside that automatically calculate how much food they consume for diabetic cats and dogs in need of consuming vet recommended food portions or those that wish to monitor their hydration consumption and wish to make sure their cats are drinking carbonated or filtered water. The reason this has become increasingly important is that so pet owners can best report this data to their veterinarians for proper diagnosis or piece of mind. The healthier they are the longer their lives may be extended. What Cats and Dogs put in their bodies are no different than the foods and beverages we drink that is why there are countless types of dog food with dietary and allergy restrictions that exist today as owners become more health conscious as time goes by.

Wifi and Bluetooth dog and cat accessories have originally started to become mainstream very recently, and one of the most popular devices that exist today are Bluetooth and Wifi Dog Video Cameras that are at times either an added on feature that exists with smart feeders or stand-alone cameras for cats that provide two-way communication so you can call your dog and see their adorable little faces and even play with them through user-controlled or automated cat lasers. Many cameras are also HD (High Definition) in quality and infrared, meaning they're also night vision. It's really neat having the ability to call your cat or dog from anywhere and be able to release little dog treats -- and there are cameras that even provide two-way visibility meaning users can actually face time their loyal companion from just about anywhere.

Now lets talk about devices that are electronically controlled, these are great devices for dog and cat owners who aren't as adept to technology however want something simple that provides a function. Say for example Heating and Cooling Pet Beds that cool and heat at the press of a button for a more comfortable rest or Dog Beds with massaging functions that are beginning to pick up for those that want to keep their pet relaxed just as we love massaging chairs, pets love the feeling of a light vibration, we're just learning this now and it further helps promote rest. Non-Connected Electronic pet devices range from those used in conjunction with cat toys such as Automated Cat Chasers and Teaser Toys to those used in smart bowls and feeders that don't connect to Bluetooth or WiFi sources that features a built-in timer that releases and provides proper food portions.

It's amazing when we think about the year 2020 and the type of products that have been created. It's unfathomable to have once thought that GPS trackers utilizing satellite would be implemented in GPS Dog Trackers to keep tabs on your pets at all times that had evolved from those that were once boundary wires and invisible fences. The possibilities are endless and who knows what the next decade or century will bring considering that devices today may likely pale in comparison of the innovation and ingenuity that'll evolve tomorrow.

One of the most popular categories are those that help build on their cognitive behaviors are puzzle feeders that provide a treat or some form of reward for those that solve their puzzle or those that release a treat after playing with the toy for a longer period of time to further promote exercise and movement. The possibilities are just endless that exist and it's hard to believe and exciting to learn that today's day and age is just the beginning. While there are always electronic devices that'll never go out of style, every year brings on amazing innovation to better assist with improving their lives whether it's for convenience, health and monitoring or whether it's to provide a much needed function, there's always something out there tomorrow that'll just amaze you. We're fortunate to be living in the modern century and that's something we should all never take for granted.